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Accelerometer library for TI-Innovator under Python

Accelerometers probably are the most versatile sensors available for STEM classes today. This project is delivering a Python driver library for the ADXL335 sensor.
Verlag: T³ Deutschland - Materialien
Autor: Hans-Martin Hilbig, Veit Berger
Fach: Informatik , Mathematik , Physik , MINT
Schlagwörter Beschleunigung , Winkel , Messwerterfassung , Dynamische Systeme , Euler-Verfahren , Programmierung , Python , MINT , TI-Innovator , Transformationen , Trigonometrie
Accelerometers are widely spread across today’s smart devices like Smartphones, Fitness Watches and are a key sensor element in modern automobiles for safety applications like airbag systems or dynamic drive assistant systems like ESP.
From a technical point of view, accelerometers are micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS), sensing the momentary acceleration of the object they are part of, relative to a 3-dimensional x-y-z orthogonal coordinate system. The measurement result contains a dynamic component and a static component. Dynamic components may be the momentary acceleration due to a car accelerating, decelerating or driving along a curve, an object or a person falling, a person walking, a momentary vibration, etc. Static component is the gravity which acts on every object on earth.
An accelerometer probably is one of the most versatile sensors available for STEM classes today. Applications span all STEM domains (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and numerous experiments can be created which are fun to perform and to learn from for both, teachers and students. The TI-Innovator system with its Nspire CXII Handheld extends the range of experiments to mobile applications. Take the system on the bus, the subway, the train, the car, the bicycle etc. and let students discuss their data recorded.
The ADXL335 Nspire Python driver library shall help T³ and STEM teachers with providing a solid and versatile foundation for new experiments to come. Feel free to share your projects with the T3 community!