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Meet the TI-Rover with geometry challenges

Introduction to the TI-Rover technology and programming Rover with a set of Geometry challenges for middle school and high school students.

Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.

Fach:  Mathematik

Schlagwörter  2D Flächen ,  Winkel ,  Geometrie ,  Programmierung ,  Python ,  Rectangles ,  TI-Innovator Rover ,  Dreieck

Meet the Rover

Get started with TI-Rover by learning the fundamentals of TI-Rover technology and programming the TI-Rover along with a set of Geometry challenges.


Rover from the top

Rover sensors

Connecting Rover to the calculator

Rover's orientation on virtual grid

Creating a Rover program

Running a Rover program

Editing a program and running again

Rover menus

Getting your Rover moving

Setting Rover colors

Exploring angles

Drive your Rover to solve logic challenges


Project Resources 

TI-84 Plus CE TI-Basic

Download Activity Presentation   PDF link   Powerpoint .pptx  link


TI-84 Plus CE Python

Download Activity Presentation   PDF link   Powerpoint .pptx  link

Download Python Programs        Zip link


TI-Nspire CXII Python

Download Activity Presentation   PDF link   Powerpoint .pptx  link

Download Teacher File with example programs  TNS link

Download Student File  TNS link



TI-Nspire CX Family TI-Basic

Download Activity Presentation   PDF link   Powerpoint .pptx  link


Other Background Resources

TI Codes link

TI STEM and Coding Resources - Getting Started and Beyond link

Rover, Escape the Room activity link



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