
Hier finden Sie praxisorientierte Aufgabenbeispiele für Ihren MINT-Unterricht!

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Das Grundgesetz der Mechanik (2. NEWTON’sches Axiom)

In dem Experiment wird die Messung von beschleunigender Kraft und erzielter Beschleunigung während eines dynamischen Vorgangs gezeigt.

Verlag: T³ Deutschland

Fach:  Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Physics, Data collection, Newton's law

The James Webb Space Telescope and Lagrange Points

This resource is all about the Lagrange points and why they are important for the James Webb Telescope. Calculating the positions of these points is difficult but achievable with TI-Nspire.

Verlag: T³ Europe

Herausgeber: Ian Galloway

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Graphs, Lagrange, Physics, Planet

Vectors in Science Education

Students learn that some physical quantities behave like vectors fairly early. However the nature of vectors and the application of vector algebra model to real life situations is often fai…

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics

Schlagwörter: Vector calculus, Physics, Sharing Inspiration 2021

It's a Sticking Point

Learn about Amontons’ two laws and find out why weight is not thrown forwards when stopping. We will discuss Jeremy Clarkson’s erroneous views on stopping distances and use TI STEM technolo…

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Acceleration, Data collection, Dynamic Systems, Newton's law, Physics, Test of hypothesis, TI-Innovator Rover

Billarm för husdjuren - STEM-Projekt - TI-Nspire CX

I detta projekt ska eleverna bygga och programmera en enkel återkopplings- och kontrolloop.

Verlag: T³ Sverige

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics

Schlagwörter: Physics, Problem Solving, Programming, STEM, Temperature

Jämviktsekvation 1

jämviktsekvationer med grafritande räknare

Verlag: T³ Sverige

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Chemistry, Physics

Banplottning | TI-Nspire

Ma 3-4 - (Momentet om kroklinjig rörelse tas upp i fysik 2), Geometri / Trigometri

Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Curriculum, Geometry, Physics, STEM, Trigonometry

Kaströrelse | TI-Nspire

Ma 3-4 (momentet om kroklinjig rörelse tas upp i fysik 2), Geometri / Trigonometri

Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Curriculum, Geometry, Graphs, Physics, Trigonometry

Are Mathematical and Scientific Models different?

Using the fitting of curves to cables this activity examines the nature of scientific and mathematical modeling. Either student instruction or CPD for professionals.

Verlag: T³ Europe

Autor: Ian Galloway

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: Modeling, Parabola, Physics, Quadratic, Software, Tangent, Vector calculus

Peltier Home

The aim of this activity is to obtain electrical energy with the difference of temperature by running reverse operation.

Autor: İsmail DÖNMEZ, Gultekin Cakmakci

Fach:  STEM

Schlagwörter: Acceleration, Algebra, Dynamic Simulations, Functions, Mathematical thinking, Mechanics, Modeling, Physics, Sharing Inspiration 2019, Stochastics, Sustainability

Safe autonomous driving

A “master” rover is followed by one or more rovers in a line. Based on color signals on the road the master stops or park; the followers read the ranger sensor and keep a safe distance from…

Autor: Donatella Falciai

Fach:  Computer Science, STEM

Schlagwörter: Analysis, Coding, Integral calculus, Modeling, Physics, Programming, STEM, T3, TI-Innovator Rover, Sharing Inspiration 2019

Video | Statistik med TI-Nspire - Beskrivande statistik

Bestäm medelvärde, median, kvartiler, standardavvikelse och mer för en datamängd

Verlag: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology

Autor: TI Sweden

Fach:  Mathematics

Schlagwörter: Tips and tricks, Statistics, Physics

Video | Widget Rita i fysik och matematik - Kraftfigur

TI-Nspire™ Widget & Kraftfigur (version 12.10.2018)

Verlag: T³ Sverige

Fach:  Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Acceleration, Physics, Tips and tricks

Widdget exempel - Vågrörelser

Exemplet visar vågrörelser där man bl.a. tar hänsyn till hur ljuset bryts.

Verlag: T³ Sverige

Fach:  Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Sharing Inspiration 2017, Engineering, Physics, STEM

Widget - Rita i fysiken med hjälp av symboler | TI-Nspire CX

Med denna applikation kan du exempelvis rita kretsar, kraftfulla diagram och funktions-flödesdiagram.

Verlag: T³ Sverige

Herausgeber: Olli Karkkulainen

Autor: Olli Karkkulainen

Fach:  Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Schlagwörter: Physics, T3