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Activités mathématiques en classe de seconde - 19. Effectifs cumulés et fréquences
Verlag: T3 France
Herausgeber: T3 France
Autor: Jean-Baptiste Civet, Boris Hanus, Isabelle Pazé
Fach: Mathematics

Écrire un script Python permettant de trouver la fréquence d’apparition des lettres de l’alphabet dans un texte donné.
Verlag: T3 France
Herausgeber: T3 France
Autor: Robert Cabane, Laurent Didier
Fach: Mathematics, Computer Science

Fréquence d’une lettre dans un texte
Verlag: T3 France
Herausgeber: T3 France
Autor: T3 France
Fach: Mathematics, Computer Science

Coding the Sounds of Music (with TI-Nspire CXII Python)
Students will explore creating sounds and music with the TI-Innovator Hub while exploring introductory coding concepts and the science of speakers, microphones and human hearing.
Verlag: Texas Instruments Inc.
Fach: Computer Science, STEM

Leer leerlingen hun eigen STEM-project te bouwen en motiveer hen te experimenteren met wiskundige en wetenschappelijke projecten.
Autor: Ludovic Wallaart
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Leer leerlingen hun eigen STEM-project te bouwen en motiveer hen te experimenteren met wiskundige en wetenschappelijke projecten.
Autor: Ludovic Wallaart
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, STEM

Direct toepasbaar in de klas waarmee leerlingen wiskundige denkvaardigheden trainen
Autor: Ludovic Wallaart
Fach: Mathematics, STEM

Students consider the question "What is the shape of the curve forming the terminator of the crescent moon?" They then calculate the area of the crescent and graph its variation over one m…
Autor: Ian Galloway
Fach: STEM

Compare frequencies of goals scored per team per match and resulting scorelines.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Fach: Mathematics, STEM

Animation comparing absolute and relative frequencies for simulated dice throws and coin tosses
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: Jay Timotheus
Fach: Mathematics

Frequency plot on a split page (template)
A ready-made split page with blank spreadsheet and frequency plot.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Christopher Rath
Fach: Mathematics

A ready-made Pie Chart with data in a Lists & Spreadsheet page.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Christopher Rath
Fach: Mathematics

Use your Nspire, effectively, to pick up extra marks in your GCSE or IGCSE exam.
Verlag: Texas Instruments UK
Herausgeber: Barrie Galpin
Autor: David Getling
Fach: Mathematics