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Food Waste – An Issue of Values and an Opportunity for Education
Webinar recording
Verlag: T³ Europe
Herausgeber: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Autor: Christine Buerki
Fach: STEM, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
Food Waste – An Issue of Values and an Opportunity for Education
Presentation and additional material.
Verlag: T³ Europe
Herausgeber: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Autor: Christine Buerki
Fach: STEM, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
Complementary materials and pedagogical hints for SDG 02: Zero Hunger
Verlag: T³ Europe
Herausgeber: Ian Galloway, Christine Buerki
Autor: Christine Buerki
Fach: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, STEM